Review of Goodnight Bubbala: A Joyful Parody
October 28, 2019
Goodnight Bubbala: A Joyful Parody
November 3, 2019Read, My Children, Read
Gleeful stories celebrate Hanukkah, and lively literary adventures and vivid illustrations become conduits to learning Yiddish and American culture and history. As always, Kar-Ben Publishing has the most titles, but there are a few surprises: a new stateside imprint that is releasing children’s books to “nurture the imagination” as well as a new publisher in the United Kingdom that is retelling Jewish tales.
Goodnight Bubbala
By Sheryl Haft. Illustrated by Jill Weber (Dial Books for Young Readers, 32 pp. $17.99) Latke recipe by Ina Garten
Sheryl Haft has written a warm and loving Yiddish take on Margaret Wise Brown’s Goodnight Moon. Riotous art by Jill Weber envisions the entire mishpacha trooping into the bedroom to delight in a “shayna punim” and give “a kiss on the keppeleh.” There is dancing and yelling, singing and kvelling. noshing and kvetching—and especially on this Hanukkah night, there are a menorah and dreidel, latkes and gelt. After reading Goodnight Bubbala, you will remember the iconic book in a whole different way. There is a Yiddish-English glossary for Yiddish newbies. Ages 2 to 5.